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How Seasonal Changes Affect Line Paint Visibility: Tips for Regular Maintenance

Road markings have a very crucial role to play when it comes to controlling traffic and guiding people on the road. It is also a psychological barrier that helps drivers and pedestrians to choose the safer zones. This is why faded road markings are a threat to the people on the road. These markings fade over time especially due to weather exposure. Proper maintenance and reapplication can not only help to keep the markings intact but also to control the traffic flow properly reducing the chances of accidents.

UV Exposure and Hot Weather

During summer, the temperature combined with UV exposure has the capability to soften the markings. The pigment used in line marking breaks down and the marking fades over time due to constant exposure.

Cold Weather

Cold weather is a challenge to the paint as ice and snow can cause a significant amount of peeling, chipping and corroding. This destroys the quality of the paint and makes it less visible to people on the road.


Heavy rainfall is a menace to road markings. The reflectivity and brightness at night during heavy rain suffer a lot and it might result in major issues on the road. The pigment particles dilute quicker during heavy rainfall especially if it is newly laid.

Tips for Maintenance

The ideal temperature for laying making paint is between 5° C to 35° C. Temperature out of this range can affect both the longevity and application of the paints. The material usually struggles to bond with the surface in wet and cold conditions. As Regular Line Painting Maintenance, given the road surface is completely dry, makings can be applied even during the rainy season. In high temperatures, the paint dries too quickly, not allowing enough time to bond with the surface. This results in cracking and compromised integrity.

A thorough inspection is necessary to identify signs of damage, fading and wear. It is crucial to fix these as soon as possible to ensure safety. Choosing quality material according to weather conditions can help with maintaining visibility. Adhering to application techniques specific to the material is of ultimate importance to make the markings last long with proper visibility. Using seal-coating helps to protect the marking from moisture and UV exposure increasing visibility and longevity.

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